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Would You Walk Naked and Barefoot in the Garden?


Tips for EARTHING, GROUNDING and PAIRING - powerful but gentle wellness


Coffee and Grounding

How are these two things related you ask?

Many years ago, whilst on holiday in Ireland, I visited a German couple living across the valley for tea and cake in their beautiful home. I can't remember now how it came up in conversation, but during the upbeat chatter about all manner of subjects came up their morning practise of stretching and movement and ... you guessed it ...walking naked and barefoot in the garden!

Fast forward a decade (or two)! and I'm now doing the same thing as part of my morning practise (minus the naked). I walk barefoot in the garden every morning to centre my mind, make a connection to the earth and to ground my mind and my body into the present moment, in preparation for whatever the day may bring.

This photo was taken in February in Sofia - I didn't stay on the balcony very long!

But I did make sure to continue my daily practises whilst away that bring stability and balance into my life.

That's the point isn't it?

Why go to all the effort of establishing new practises that you love and that add value or improve your well-being, only to let them fly out of the window when life changes or you're out of your normal routine?

On the subject of creating new habits - I find 'pairing' incredibly powerful. I love my morning coffee.

I properly love it!

I'm picky and fussy about what kind of coffee it is and how it is made and served. The coffee goes on the hob just before I step outside and is ready to pour when I come back inside.

That first sip is wonderful!

Sceptical? Try walking barefoot outside for a few days and let me know how you find it.

Thinking about introducing a new well-being practise? Try linking it to something you enjoy and do anyway as part of your everyday. Studies show that it takes 21 days to create a new habit.

Why not make it a little easier by pairing?

Questions about pairing and good combinations? Hit reply and I'll come back to you.

One more thing .. there are many ways to introduce grounding, and as many of you know I'm a sunshine, beach and water magnet. So another favourite way for me to 'ground' or 'earth' is to walk on the pebbles and swim in the sea.

If you'd like to know more, let me know and I'll send you a link to the Earthing Movie.

With my love,

Adrienne x

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