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CCF Tea - You Need This ELIXIR In Your Life!


What if I told you, that today in your kitchen, using three simple ingredients you could make a 'tea' which could:

  • soothe inflammation

  • ignite your Agni (digestive fire) and metabolism

  • encourage absorption of nutrients

  • warm up circulation

  • gently detox

  • reduce gas and bloating

And as well as all that, CCF TEA is super easy to make, tastes great and just feels good to drink!

In Ayurveda, we believe eating foods applicable to our Dosha, introducing lots of different colour foods and being aware of the six tastes is a powerful way to upgrade our gut health and therefore our overall well-being.

A really good way to begin is to start sipping CCF tea and to try to make sure that you mostly eat and drink warm foods and beverages - this is kinder to your gut and promotes strong digestion.

In Ayurveda we believe that digestive health and our Agni (our digestive fire) is linked to our overall well-being. Gut health is therefore of primary importance.

I wanted to share this recipe as I recently had so many conversations with clients about inflammation and I really believe that an Ayurvedic approach can be a naturally powerful way to elevate our total well-being, energy levels, gut health and the whole shebang!


To a pan containing around 750ml water add one heaped teaspoon each of

Cumin Seeds

Coriander Seeds

Fennel Seeds

bring to the boil for approx. one minute, strain through a sieve and discard the seeds, pour into a flask and sip throughout the day - enjoy your ELIXIR knowing all the benefits it's bringing to you!

Curious to know more?

Or interested in One-to-one and group AYURVEDA Instruction?

Send me an email titled MORE AYURVEDA INFO PLEASE - let's start a conversation.

Find me on FB, Insta and LIn @adriennesay


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